Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Unexpected Delivery

Yesterday there was a knock at my door from a man in a big white van holding a big black box, Which left me totally baffled I haven't ordered anything that would need a box? So I guessed I was taking it in for a  neighbour that I very regularly do but then I noticed it had my name on it?
Still totally baffled I started to open it and spotted some little leaves poking out and saw that along with the address it said there was a message with the card.
So of course I dove straight into the card which left me tearing up when I noticed my mother inlaw had sent me the parcel which was a beautiful celebration patio rose plant.
For ages I've been so convinced deep down she doesn't like me even tho she has never given me a reason to think that I've been so sure deep down she can't like me and Andy told her the other day that I thought so, A few days later she asked for our address to send the girls a little something but along come this lovely surprise for me :)
I feel so special and feel pretty bad that she done this for me when I was thinking such a thing when she gave me no reason at all to believe she disliked me.

Please excuse the quality of the photos I lent my friend my camera so my phone had to do.


  1. That is the sweetest thing xxx

    1. She has the sweetest meaning behind it too, She said she went for that particular one as it can blossom and grow with our relationship :) hopefully I manage to keep it alive I'm awful at looking after plants and flowers x
