Wednesday, 2 October 2013


After looking in the kids section of Asda for some winter boots for the girls I spotted these beauties, I fell in love and was over the moon they went up to a six but noticing the price tag of £15 which is a total bargain but I'm never up for spending that sort of money on one item for myself. I'm quite the tight bum when it comes to buying myself things and Andy has to pretty much force me!! After going back to stare at them everyday Andy urged me to buy them so I did. I'm going to be buying Issy a pair next week as she said this morning she likes my boots :') I showed her a pair similar I fell in love with for her before and she screwed her nose up at me and said no :(

These are the most comfortable boots ever!! and for £15 you really can't go wrong if these were in the adults section I'd imagine there would be another £1O on top of that £15 so I'll be a regular down the kids shoe isle of asda from now on :) 


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