Monday, 29 September 2014

Simple Spotless Skin - Spot Zapper

I was lucky enough to go through my teens with 'flawless' skin so everyone would say, But boy am I paying for it now I honestly look like I'm a sponsor model for dominos pepperoni passion pizzas!
My skin is awful not only do I have spots, I'm a serial picker the minute a spot looks unsightly I'll claw at it until it ends up bleeding which has left my skin with horrible scar marks which add a little bit of cold to they end up being what feels like magnified as that's all I seem to see when I catch my reflection which leaves me feeling disgusting.
Enough of my ramblings to the point...
While in Tesco a little while ago spending my voucher I got for joining SKY I noticed a lot of the simple spotless skin range on offer so with skin like mine I thought what the heck it's worth a go.
 I grabbed the spot zapper roll on for £2.5O 

'smile, it's simple Get results in just 4 hours with our spotless skin rapid action spot zapper. It's a bled of spot fighting ingredients and natural antibacterial goodness. It's tough on spots but gentle on your skin. Perfect for even sensitive skin.'

For best results - Apply directly to spots as soon as they appear. Repeat application until the spot has disappeared.

I always forget that I have this but when I remember I've only ever needed to do one application because there is such a big difference to the big angry spot that had it's own brain. (we all know the ones I mean the one that could be mistaken for an extra head)
I'd highly recommend this to anyone who has troublesome spots, I have the face wash but haven't really used it much but using this alone really helps make them less visible.


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