Monday, 23 March 2015

PINK PARCEL - It's a monthly thing

You may have seen this little box many times in the blogsphere but here it is again.
I don't even have the 'monthly thing' but I just had to get in on this amazing little box even more so when I found out your first box only costs £5.95 (then £9.99 a month)
How amazing is that! 
 So down to the box, most of us girls dread that time of the month but this little box just makes it that so much better. Not only does it come jam packed with whatever it is you may use tampons, sanitary towels etc (you get to chose what brand/style)
There's also a little box of pick me ups too! Like I said AMAZING
Pink parcel also do another box especially for teenagers called 'teenparcel' something I'm so signing up to for each of the girls when they have their monthlys if the company is still going which I really hope so.

In my box
2 boxes and a little draw string bag of tampax
 Perfectil skin, hair & nails tablets sample
Tube of bubble T bath bombs
Tea pigs chocolate flake tea bag
PAW PAW moisturising balm
Divine caramel dark chocolate 
4 Bandzee's
O.P.I creme gloss nail varnish

As if all of this wasn't good enough I also got a 2O% OFF code for flamingo candles a company I've been dying to purchase from ever since I found them and a £25 gift card for Gousto!
You can sign up to receive your box every month at
I'm sure you'll be with me on saying what a genius idea!


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