Tuesday, 10 March 2015

A few signs my Issy is growing up

Recently Issy has been laying down a few rules, rules that make it very obvious that she is growing up...

Until her teacher said someone has to drop her right to the door she requested that we stay at the school gates and go no further when dropping her off to school, even when she asked if we could leave almost 3O minutes before the doors even opened so she could see her friends for a little while before starting the school day. Something I'd never even consider but I was feeling brave hardly any of her friends were there we were THAT early scooting away while I admired her she turned and simply said 'You said you'd wait at the gate now'

As I do every night I tucked my babies into bed and gave them a good night kiss.... To which Issy came out with I don't like kisses anymore mum *que the heart thud* So I suggested I kiss her on the cheek from now on? No I don't like those either.

When taking her sister into nursery we have to walk through the play ground Issy is playing in to get to the nursery Issy used to without a doubt come running over to me with open arms and a great big kiss, now I'm lucky if I get a cuddle or a kiss goodbye after she's ran along side us to the nursery gate.

She was in the winning house last week and came home with a certificate and a pen she chose for being in the winning house, Along with the certificate was a little note 'I love charlie' on noticing this I teased her and she replied 'I'm going to dump him soon because he makes fart noises and follows me everywhere (Nuah girlfriend style)

Turns out she hasn't dumped Charlie but now has a ring that she's going to be marrying him with.

We've had requests of sectioning off the girls bedroom so she has her own private space that Daisie can't get into without her say so or help, she'd also like some drawers for her white socks and underwear, a lamp NOT a light and an alarm clock.

There's no fooling her anymore she knows that's just a woman dressed as Elsa with a wig on not the actual Elsa, silly!


  1. My little boy is only 7 months but I am waiting for his rule laying to creep in also. Oh wait, that feral little growl he does when he is not impressed with something...its already started! #mummymondays

  2. awww she is so cute!!! Kids are so demanding at times lol, Corey has to say hello to his best friend from school before school and the mum every day, he gets upset if they aren't there.

    thanks for joining in on #mummymonday :) love, Gemma - host xo
