Thursday, 22 January 2015

Blogging Goals 2015

So we've done the general goals for 2015 so lets set some goals specifically for blogging!

- Interact with more bloggers I make a point of commenting on  as many blog posts as I can but I'd like to have the confidence to tweet another blogger every now and then.

 - Find a happy medium on what I post at the moment I'm a little lost on what I actually want my blog to be about I want it to be a bit of everything you'd expect a mums life to be like. I'm trying to find a happy medium and not post all about one thing all at one time and have a nice balanced mix between all topics, I considered another blog just for beauty/fashion posts but I doubt I'd keep up with them both. 

- Start Vlogging of some kind the ideas are there I just need to be confident in front of the camera and not end up a stuttering mess every time.

- Actually learn to use my camera to the best of its ability My camera isn't the best camera but it certainly isn't the worst camera either I just really suck at all things photography.

- Attend a blogging event or two I attended my first blogging events last year and they were so much fun to be a part of I aim to get myself stuck into as many as I can this year.

- Get some blog cards made for events I've never felt like my blog is good enough to have cards but there's nothing worse than going along to a blogging event and having to rip a piece of paper up to jot down how to find me or spell it out for someone to note it down on their phones when all other bloggers are handing over their pretty pro looking cards.

- Have a blogging schedule Blogging would be so much easier if it was all written down in advance on what my posts will be about etc, I'm suffering from bloggers block way to often for my liking.

- Take part in twitter blog chats I see them going on quite often but don't take the plunge of taking part too as I never feel I fit the category or that I'm a good enough blogger to be taking part in those chats.


  1. I love your blog goals! I'm currently working on my own blog and things of that nature! I would love a new friend? Do you wanna be mine? 😜👍❤
    Here's my blog -->

    Its still a work in progress but I am working on it! 😀😀 Enjoy!

    1. Thank you :) Hoping I can cross off at least half of the list.
      I'll pop over and take a peek now, Thank you for stopping by! x

  2. Great blog goals.. I too want to vlog! Looking forward to seeing how much of these you achieve this year x

    1. I'd love to watch your vlogs! Hoping I can cross off at least half of the list :) x
