Tuesday 28 October 2014

Our 1st Youtube Video!

Sunday 26 October 2014

Pumpkin Patch '14

This year rather than buy our pumpkins from Asda I wanted to do something a bit more special, So this year we paid our local pumpkin patch a visit.
Visiting the pumpkin patch will now be a yearly thing it's just so much more magical/special than just grabbing one from our local asda and it's a morning/afternoon out of the house, The girls had so much fun having a hunt through and picking the perfect pumpkin!
We ended up leaving with 4 me not quite knowing what a kilo is was more than happy to grab some more little ones, £1O later the 4 we'd picked were ready to come home with us, So it cost me abit more than what a trip to asda to grab some would have cost but you can't put a price on fun can you?
Once we got home we had a cooked breakfast/lunch with the sausages and bacon we got while we were there and spent the rest of the day watching films.
I can't wait to drive and make a trip to the farm shop a weekly thing, I can see it now heading out while the girls and Andy are still snoozing or in tow to go and get the veg for our Sunday roast. 

Andy filmed our trip to the pumpkin patch right up to carving one of the pumpkins so keep your eyes peeled for the link if you wish to have a watch. 

(Daisie is smiling and not crying I promise)

Friday 24 October 2014

Halloween Toucan Box

I'm still having problems with Toucan being able to bill my card for our monthly boxes (gutted) 
I have the same problem with Graze too :(
So when I went to collect a parcel I had missed while out on the school run I was so excited to see a toucan box among the pile. I was hoping being October it would be a Halloween themed craft and YAY it was!
Me and Daisie didn't hang about as soon as I had checked a christmas present that was in the bundle and hid it, Daisie called me about getting started so we did just that!
It was such a simple craft I'm planning on stocking up on some supplies that were provided to make some more to hang around the house. 
We were both very pleased with our end result, I need to grab a picture but it's gone missing as soon as I find it I'll update this post :)

You can sign up to get your own toucan box (first one FREE) by following this link  - https://mention-me.com/m/ol/gtx-linda-ewing

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Firework Night

 Every year without fail since me and Andy have been together (2OO9) we go along to our local firework display and fair. This is something we do no matter the weather conditions one year we had to rush over to asda to get Issy away from them as she really wasn't impressed but as the years have gone on she's loved them!
Last year was Daisie's first time that she actually enjoyed it, the year before she wow'd and oo'd at the street lights as we walked past but really wasn't keen on the actual firework display.
We wander up a little earlier to enjoy the fair and grab our flashing wands then find our spot to get a good view of the fireworks, Then its off home to tuck the girls into bed then me and Andy spend some time together be it doing a puzzle,films or just some snuggles!
The 5th November for unknown reason is really special for me with Andy, whether its because it was the first thing we done as a family and have stuck to every year I don't know. It makes me feel so warm,bubbly and close to Andy it's like our very own 'valentines day' if you like.

Is there something you do every firework night?

Monday 20 October 2014

We went to Diggerland!

A little while ago we were lucky enough to win 4 tickets to Diggerland thanks to the lovely Liz over at missielizzie-meandmyshadow
Yesterday we took advantage of our tickets and went to Digglerland in strood for the day, We left nice and early to be sure to miss all the madness,ques and to allow us time to get lost. For the first hour or two the ques were very little even when the park did get busy the ques weren't massively long some we did skip as the girls were getting grumpy waiting but we were on the rides in under 1O minutes at the most.
We got to drive tractors, go on the dig-a-round, dig for treasure, drive dumper trucks, go on the sky shuttle which gave us a birds eye view of the whole park and much more. None of us were brave enough for the famous spin dizzy (I'm sick on the spinning chairs so I wasn't risking it lol)
Not only is there lots of Digger fun there's also a soft play area, some arcade games,a bouncy castle aswell as a play park and a sand area. With a wide range of hot and cold food available too perfect! We took a lunch with us but next time I'll be going with nothing but some money and a camera the food looked delicious with very reasonable price to go along with it. There were two rides Daisie wasn't allowed on which was heart breaking after her being so excited seeing one of the diggers had her name on we assumed it was a ride for her age as they were from bob the builder but she was just under the minimum height to ride seeing her little face was awful but she assumed it was that her aunty Kirsty was to big and she very excitedly waited to go on something else while I took Issy for a spin around the track as much as we didn't get why she couldn't go on as an adult would have hold of her and it looked pretty safe for her compared to some of the others she was allowed on I'd rather her safe then risking her go on and end up with a nasty injury.
We didn't go on everything but will certainly go back and make sure to go on it all.
Before we had even left the girls asked could we go again tomorrow, So it's safe to say we will be returning as soon as we can we are dying to take daddy along with us next time!

Sunday 19 October 2014

#Silent Sunday - 19.1O.2O14

Saturday 18 October 2014

A letter from Santa @ Lapland Mailroom

Today we received our amazing letters from laplandmailroom.com
I couldn't wait to dive in (I opened them when little people were around) so it was a quick peek and hide, Once the girls were in bed I jumped straight in and upon opening I very loudly said 'WOW' 
Each letter is honestly beautiful and very nicely presented and will you check out those envelopes how cool are they? 
There's no denying these letters are from the REAL Santa, each letter comes with a 'Nice child certificate' which is FREE for a limited time only with a RRP of £2.95
For an additional £1 you can add a activity pack containing:
- Colouring Santa STOP here sign
- Elf yourself activity sheet
- Colour in christmas card
- Door hanger for little ones bedroom
- Colour and keep christmas tree decoration

There's 4 fabulous letters to choose from, 3 of them suitable for any age and are slightly different for brothers and sisters, they also have a baby's first Christmas letter which makes an amazing keepsake.
Each letter is completely unique to each child, personalised at the time of purchase on laplandmailroom.com with the child's name and address with information that only Santa knows, you can include a best friends name, most wanted present this year AND a personlised message from mum and dad themselves and whats even better they ship worldwide!
I can't wait to see the girls faces on the 1st of December and find these waiting for them in the living room. I'm going to be a regular visitor of laplandmailroom every Christmas for sure, I'm so impressed with the letters there's just no other place to purchase next years letters
Let the magic of Christmas begin....

To get your hands on one of these beautiful letters and make your little ones Christmas pay a visit to laplandmailroom.com
You can also find them on twitter and facebook

*We were very kindly sent these letters in return for an honest review.

Friday 17 October 2014

The Bodyshop Advent Calendar 2O14

Who doesn't love an advent calendar? Who thought now that your a grown up your not entitled to a advent calendar anymore?
You can countdown to christmas in skin loving style this christmas with the best of the bodyshop advent calendar.
£5O with an RRP worth £83
Almond hand & nail cream 3Oml
Almond nail file
Colour crush nail colour in - relish the moment 6.8ml
Eyeshadow brush
Eye definer black 1g
Frosted cranberry shower gel 6Oml
Frosted cranberry heart soap 25g
Frosted cranberry shimmer lotion 6Oml
Glazed apple heart soap 25g
Glazed apple body lotion 6Oml
Morninga shower gel 6Oml
Honeymania lip balm 1Oml
Moringa body milk 6Oml
Mini crinkle lily
Shea shower cream 6Oml
Shea body butter 5Oml
Strawberry heart soap 25g
Strawberry lip buter 1Oml
Strawberry hand cream 3Oml
Vitamin E moisture cream 3Oml
Vitamin E moisture mask 6ml
Vitamin E nourishing night cream 15ml
Wild argan oil body lotion 6Oml
White musk EDT 1Oml

You can purchase your advent calendar directly from the body shop website but be quick they are selling out fast! 
When you purchase a advent calendar from the body shop not only are you in for a treat this christmas BUT it also sends a child to a class!
This holiday season, The Body Shop is teaming up with War Child, the global charity for children affected by war, to grant children the wish of education. Every specially selected gift you buy, no matter how big or small, will enable a child in a country affected by war to attend a class.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Finding out Daisie had CCAM

If your a new reader of my blog your probably wondering what the hell CCAM is? which is mentioned over to the right >
You can read my post on it 'here'

(as I'm thinking about what to type my heart is in my mouth just like it was that day, so I apologize if this post ends up a bit of a mess )
I found out at my routine 21 week scan, I'd had 3 scans previously 8 weeks, 12 weeks and a private sexing scan at 16 weeks! This one for me was double confirmation that she was still in fact a girl and not grown any extras as everything was fine with all 3 previous scans what was there to worry about?
As the lady began scanning I was just in a daze of seeing my baby blowing bubbles, having a wiggle, how much she had grown since the last scan all those little things you take in. 
I was chatting away about how the lady had scanned a lot longer then they did when I was pregnant with Issy, she'd turned on the little option they have that gives them all these different colours on the screen, I looked over to my mum and could see her crying I'm still none the wiser to anything but my mum knew all those colours meant something and didn't necessarily mean good still I didn't take much in. Then it came I'm going to get someone else to scan you I've noticed a shadow on baby's lung. 
Off we go into the waiting room I was in such a daze I found myself asking the question are lungs important? she'll be okay they aren't needed that much, I laugh about it now and put it down to me being thick but as loads have said it's more likely that I was in that much shock my mind just couldn't process it all.
Along came the consultant he led us into another room, he began to scan and confirmed Daisie had a problem with her lung and it looked like CCAM they'd be sending me to kings college hospital for all future scans as they had a CCAM clinic up there. 
The main thing I processed and tbh it angered me! He told me Daisie may need operating on as soon as she was born meaning I wouldn't even get to hold my baby which sent me into hysterics even more my tiny baby being cut open before I even get to hold her. Throw the worst at me why don't you! But I suppose I'd be just as angry if he let me leave get my head around it and find that out for myself,
Another fact that wound me up about it all we were sent home with the little information we were given and google through out the pregnancy we didn't even receive a small leaflet to explain things better/help get our heads around it, I spent the rest of my pregnancy terrified that her CCAM had grown.
From then on I had scans every 4 weeks to monitor and see if the CCAM had grown at all, as each week neared as excited as I was to see our baby and how she'd grown each one I dreaded finding out it had grown luckily it didn't but in some cases it can grow so much it can affect the heart by moving it over!
Luckily Daisie's was very small and hasn't caused her any problems you all may think I'm nutts and feel free to but I believe the reason her CCAM is mild is because of the Reiki I received while pregnant during my reiki session the woman performing it had said she can't move from my stomach and her hands were getting really hot a few weeks later we find out about Daisie's CCAM.
I'm yet to chase them up for her second CT scan to see where we stand on the operation front, they were supposed to contact me on her 2nd birthday! 

Sunday 12 October 2014

#Silent Sunday - 12.1O.14

Body Shop @ Home | The perfect girls night in

There's nothing better than having the girls round for the night, for a girls night in!
What better way to enjoy a night in then flicking through the new body shop catalogue with a consultant letting you have a try and a sniff of the products,the chance to get your hands on some freebies,a raffle and plenty of offers? I love body shop but I never really go into the stores I have no idea why maybe its the fact you enter and get pounced on instantly? That always puts me off in shops, I know it's because they want to help but it really bothers me.
I like to shop/browse in peace
My sister in-law used to do the parties so I'd always put my orders in through her but she no longer does it but what with Christmas on it's way and my birthday not long passing it was the perfect thing to get the girls round for the night, body shop have lots of great little sets with reasonable prices to go along with them with an added 2O% off through out the catalogue.

When booking my party I had no intention of joining up as a consultant/rep myself but come the end of the night I was seriously considering it and found myself signing myself up and now I'm raring to get going with this new venture :)

You can book a party of your own by going to The Body Shop website! 

Friday 10 October 2014

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Week 9-15th Oct

From 9 to 15 October 2014 it is Baby Loss Awareness Week.
The Baby Loss Awareness Campaign recognises how alone and alienated bereaved mothers often feel.  This is why they are encouraging people to try and understand pregnancy and the depth of the devastation experienced.  Baby Loss Awareness Week was set up to coincide with International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day on 15 October.
I pinched the above write up from

Pregnancy & Infant loss is something I myself have never experienced but I am a not so unlucky 13th pregnancy after many losses 7 to be exact. I'll be sending out extra big hugs and love (bigger ones than I do through out the year) to those close to me during this time and to all those that have a beautiful angel baby watching over them, It goes without saying I'll have a candle shining bright.

You can show your support by taking part in the 'Wave of Light' on 15 October, which is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.  The idea is to light a candle at 7.00pm and let it burn for at least an hour in remembrance of all babies that have died during pregnancy, at, during or after birth.  People will be taking part across the globe to create a 'Wave of Light' to recognize the memory of the babies who lit up our lives.


Wednesday 8 October 2014

Bluewater LUSH V.I.P Party

On Friday the 3rd LUSH in bluewater held a V.I.P party ready for their shop re-launch (O4/1O/14) after being closed while a shop refurb took place.
I was lucky enough to have an invite to this great event as a blogger.
While there not only were we spoiled with being the first to see how the new shop looked,get a peak at the new Halloween/Christmas range we were also spoilt with champagne,orange juice, a selection of vegan cakes,live music played by 2 very talented ladies Mary & Siobhan,skin consultations,lipstick matching and a chance to make your very own comforter bubble bar! 
Mine got squished on the way home but is still awesome as hell and smells delicious.

 Not only was we lucky enough to get all of that but we also left with a goody bag containing candy mountain and a slice of honey I washed the kids.

Right enough of me rambling lets get to the pictures of the shops NEW layout.....

 Tasha from over at tashatime2relax getting her lipstick match!

 The staff there were brilliant if you had a question they had an answer, They made me feel so welcome talking about not only the products but general interests we had in common and always made sure I was okay, well fed and watered, overall it was an amazing night I would love to return to the store for more events and some shopping!
It would have been rude to attend a party, receive a goody bag and not make a purchase wouldn't it?
So while there I made a little purchase I'd have loved to have bought a whole lot more but funds wouldn't allow me to :( 
I got 
Cinders bath bomb - £2.5O
Christmas eve bubble bar - £2.95
Dashing santa bath bomb - £2.95
Butterbear bath bomb - £1.95
Northern lights bath bomb - £3.5O 
Shoot for the stars bath bomb - £3.5O

A HUGE thank you to LUSH bluewater for my invite, thank you for a great evening!