Friday 24 October 2014

Halloween Toucan Box

I'm still having problems with Toucan being able to bill my card for our monthly boxes (gutted) 
I have the same problem with Graze too :(
So when I went to collect a parcel I had missed while out on the school run I was so excited to see a toucan box among the pile. I was hoping being October it would be a Halloween themed craft and YAY it was!
Me and Daisie didn't hang about as soon as I had checked a christmas present that was in the bundle and hid it, Daisie called me about getting started so we did just that!
It was such a simple craft I'm planning on stocking up on some supplies that were provided to make some more to hang around the house. 
We were both very pleased with our end result, I need to grab a picture but it's gone missing as soon as I find it I'll update this post :)

You can sign up to get your own toucan box (first one FREE) by following this link  -


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