Thursday, 18 December 2014

The Christmas Decoration SALES have started!

 Stags/reindeer's £2 each, Star £2, Silver bows £1,Leaf tree decs 5Op,Wooden tree decs 5Op,Pink stag tree dec 75p and Red tree dec 5Op

Yesterday while having my usual wander around wilkos to pass a bit of time before the last school run of the day it was only right that I paid the christmas isle a little visit.
After only being there that morning I didn't expect to find anything different considering I go in there everyday but to my surprise all of their decorations were now 5O% off!!! 
They were amazing prices before that so it would have been rude of me not to grab some wouldn't it?
THEN I popped into ASDA as I had some more time to pass there were those beautiful christmas cards down to £1 it goes without saying that a set of those beauties went straight into my basket! 
I've found myself stalking all shops that sell christmas stuff for any reduced items, I've noticed loads half price on the ASDA website but not many in store yet so be sure to check online first! 
I fell in love with this the first time I saw it but we already had stockings so I never got it but as soon as I saw it was half price it was a sign that it had to come home with me! I'm dying to get my hands on another one to go the other side of my console table.

Bedding set £6 and cards £1 from ASDA


  1. Fab bargains! I love the cards from Asda! x

    1. Aren't they cute!
      None of the decorations I got actually match my planned colour scheme for next year but they were all to lovely to leave behind let alone the price tag being just as lovely x
