Thursday, 4 December 2014

#Nextmas Wishlist

#Nextmas Wishlist

With Christmas on it's way I'm sure everyone is already sick of seeing wishlists but as I know Andy takes a peek at my blog every now and then it's only right I drop him some hints!
Is it just me with lists full of stuff for the house when it comes to christmas and birthdays since having my own house? 
With so much cute stuff on the next website its hard not to want half of it for your home, Everything looks so cosy and cute.
I've been after a Marc Jacobs perfume since laying my eyes on it, I have no interest in the actual perfume as I've never smelt it but I just need one of those gorgeous bottles in my life if the perfumes as gorgeous then bonus! 
Who doesn't love a new handbag and a fresh pair of boots?
I had a pair of quilted boots like this from Primark and I loved them but I wore them so much they ended up with fronts like Zippy's mouth as tempting as it was just to glue them back together it really was time to let them go.

If you spy anything you want from my list click the link below the image and it will take you directly to the item, Aren't I kind to you?


  1. love the cute pastel coloured theme :) Great blog!

    LC xxx

  2. The jewelry box is adorable!

    Lovely post!
    I did my #NextmasWishlist too, do check it out. Following you now.

    Pretty Gloss ♥ beauty, makeup & a bit of life..
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    1. Isn't it cute!
      Thank you for popping by and following!
      Popping by your blog now x
