Monday, 17 March 2014

Ebay wants - living room edition

Ebay wants - living room

Post inspiration goes to - ohsoamelia 
You can find Kerry's wishlist - here
I'm a total eBay addict and my watch list is forever being added to, I also have an obsession with making it smaller by purchasing things from it ;)
I'm abit of an ebay queen of sorts when you walk into my house and ask me where I got things my answer is quite often eBay!
I've been stuck on what to blog about for awhile now and after seeing Kerry's wishlist it seemed the perfect post to do seeing as my watch list is HUGE.

Do you have anything on your watch list for the home? 


  1. Gorgeous stuff!!! I love anything white, especially white wicker!


    1. I love white wicker, It drives my partner mad how many white wicker hearts I have around the house they are pretty much in every room x
