Sunday, 30 March 2014

My mothers day

This mothers day we didn't do alot as it came round so quickly as always,
One minute I had ages to grab our mums presents in for their baskets the next it was this weekend.
Issy went to her dads to see her aunty and her cousins as it was her cousins birthday and as we didn't have anything special planned I didn't want her to miss out.
Although after I'd agreed for it to be okay for her to go it hit me that I would barely see my little lady on mothers day but she had a wonderful day :)
I didn't get to dive into my presents until afternoon as my partner wanted to go out and grab something else so I was ordered to bed while he took Daisie out to go and grab my extra present.
 (I managed to hurt my back sorting the girls bedroom something I was told of for doing, a bad back with a cough really isn't the greatest combo)
So I spent alot of my day sleeping while I had the chance to but as soon as they arrived home I called Daisie and she came wondering in with some gorgeous tulips and then it was downstairs to carry on with the day.
I could see something through a bag that was left at the bottom of the stairs and in it was the gorgeous pillow from my mum and the girls.

I've seen a few posts around facebook of how awful peoples mothers day were as wonderful as it is to get gifts, isn't it also wonderful to wake up to your happy & healthy children?
Some mothers didn't get to hold their children this mothers day and some children didn't get to hold their mums this year. No gift could ever beat your childrens/mothers arms around you!

What did you get up to this mothers day?


  1. We don't celebrate mothers day in Denmark before second Sunday in May, so still some time. Your flowers are beautiful! :)
    Tanja Mortensen
