Sunday 11 October 2015



I was very luckily invited to my local LUSH winter is coming bloggers event, after my anxiety getting the better of me when the spring event came around and I totally bottled it I was amazed to have been given a second chance at attending one of their events. 
So with my anxiety being so much better now I was determined to make it and I did just that.

I arrived at the event a little early so made a pit stop at mc'donalds just around the corner, When I arrived back some of the other lovely bloggers were eagerly waiting to get into the lushy goodness.
With a quick hello we were allowed in to explore the store and grab any pictures we wished to get before getting stuck into what lush had in store for us.
we were offered drinks and snacks which we were welcome to tuck into throughout the event
In true lush fashion we drank our drinks from lush tubs, I absolutely loved that little touch it sealed the whole lush experience perfectly.

(I really should have stuck to my nail appointment)

We were given our name stickers and amazingly Fran the bromleys store trainee manager knew me by my email address straight away when she read my name tag, I still get myself in a kerfuffle getting the girls names correct and there's only two of them!
The night was filled with a lot of limb sniffing if you've ever attended a lush event before you'll know that it isn't odd at all to be sniffing someone's arm who you don't particularly know all that well.
There was three different demonstrations a halloween perfect pamper evening, a perfectly pink christmas and a traditional cosy christmas (these weren't the actual demo names but being the bad blogger I am I forgot their actual names)
It seems I didn't get a good shot of the halloween demo set up but the blue face mask was part of the perfect halloween pamper evening, I know how I'm spending my halloween once the girls are settled in bed. 

Before the event was completely wrapped up we were taken through all the christmas gift sets that are available this year, there's some really gorgeous ones out this year I'm hoping if I flutter my eyelashes enough santa may just bring me one! I was totally amazed to learn the little puffy things that come inside LUSH gift sets and online orders is actually edible and to prove it to us Fran and Lily ate one, I'm not to sure I'll be in a rush to eat one but I may panic less when the girls or bear get hold of them.
We were thoroughly spoilt with not only an evening of lushy goodness but we were allowed to pick one item from each demonstration to take home and try for free.
Of course being a mummy I had to get something for the girls and left with three items for myself out of the whole stash of goodies! 
With all the demonstrations over we were allowed to run free with our cash and cards I could have bought the whole shop but being good I only got a small selection but I'm eager to get back over there and get some more.
I'll be doing a separate post on all the goodies I left with so keep an eye out for that one! 
I think I may have waffled on about the girls just a tad so sorry ladies, hope it wasn't to obvious I don't go out without them that often.

I had a really lovely evening with some amazing ladies Christina - Emily & Unity - Kerry - Emily and Hollie.
Thank you so much to LUSH for having me!

Have you got your hands on any of the halloween/chirstmas range? 


  1. It was lovely to meet you and hear about your girls! Glad you enjoyed the event and hope to see you at the next one too :) x

    Christina Marie -

    1. It was really lovely meeting you too! Would be great to see you again at any future events :) x

  2. Wonderful post! I love the pics:)

  3. This looks like a really cool event! I love using Lush products in the winter - all the cinammon scents etc.
    Also I totally get what you mean about being nervous about events - I've bottled every time. But it's cool to see how it turned out for the best going along. :)

    1. Def keep your eyes peeled for any events at your local lush :)
      I'm so glad I did it, I was so gutted last time reading all the posts but I'm among the posters this time and it was so worth going x
