Saturday, 1 November 2014

Hello November

As if we are in November already? Where the hell is this year going?
Now that I've had my pre christmas freak out that almost cost Andy his Juglar vein and almost slung out by his ear (I was that stressed out)
I'm ready for the hustle and bustle of Novemeber being out doing a spot of christmas shopping stepping into a shop in broad daylight and heading out when it's dark outside with all the shop displays shining as I walk away.
My wardrobe is looking like a Frozen warehouse almost every toy in there is related to Frozen in some way and I love it!
I honestly can't wait to see the girls faces on Christmas day watching them getting all excited over a toy review on YouTube knowing it's up in my wardrobe waiting for them has got to be the best feeling!
As the nights get darker quicker, I would say colder but its the 1st Nov and it honestly felt like summer today what the hell is going on?
I'm not complaining but November and a summers day just really doesn't feel right, As much as I miss the summer I'm also so ready to get in my winter warmers pulling out my strawberry wooly hat and being snug on the school runs. Even tho my footwear is nowhere near ready I NEED some warm boots.
I'm looking forward to wrapping the girls up warm before we head out and returning home and whipping up a hot chocolate.
Everything feels so cosy can snuggle down in Pj's, slip slops with some candles and the whole house feels so much more calmer and cosy.
AND Firework night is only 4 sleeps away, as much of a pain in the bum fireworks are its another event that makes my heart burst and brings my little family that little bit closer!


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