Monday, 7 April 2014

Very Insipring Blogger

I've been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Thank you so much Laura over at misslmakeup.blogspot for nominating me! This is a great way to find out about new bloggers and also to get to know them better.

Award Rules
1 - Thank and link the amazing awesome person who nominated you
2 - List the rules and display the award
3 - Share 7 things/facts about yourself
4 - Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you have nominated them and provide a link to your post
5 - Optional. Proudly display the award logo anywhere on your blog e.g - side bar and follow the person who nominated you.

7 things about me
1 - I'm an only girl out of 5 I have 4 older brothers with the youngest brother being 1O years older than me.
2 - I'm an aunty to 1O and a great aunty to 5, My eldest niece is a year older than me
3 - I had my eldest daughter when I was 16 
4 - I have a serious spending addiction I can't stand even having £2 in my bank I will go on eBay and spend it just because I can
5 - I've had my hair all colours of the rainbow in one go one side was pastel the other was brights
6 - If I didn't take any of my piercings out I would be well into the 3O's by now
7 - I was my mums 13th pregnancies, she always wanted a little girl but was told she couldn't have girls but here I am not so unlucky 13 :) 

I nominate
- Heather over at  prettylittleteacupp
- Christie over at christiemcleod
- Stacie over at lifewithlaceyandlexie
- Sarah over at curvestheword
- Amy over at saleawaywithmetoo
 - Emma over at thejollyfashionista

I'll come back and add to the list as I find them :)


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