Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Five Among Friends

We'd love to see your answers to the questions too - Just post your Q & A on your blog and then put your link in the Linky below and we'll be sure to check them out! Don't forget to check out other peoples answers too!

This week's theme is Right now I'd rather be.....
This week's questions were written by Kerry at Lived With Love….

The Questions

1) Right now, I'd rather be sitting - In my bed feeling a little crappy after my camera work yesterday and I have an awful cough

2) Right now, I'd rather be wearing - I'm in my new daisy jarmies so there's nothing I'd rather be wearing but I'd love to have a face full of make-up

3) Right now, I'd rather be eating - I'd love to be tucking into a lovely subway if I'm honest

4) Right now, I'd rather be listening too - Frozen playing on my tele but I don't have a DVD player in my living room and I can't buy frozen until tomorrow :(

5) Right now, I'd rather be with - I'd love to have Andy home and Issy but Andy's out at the workshop seeing his other lover (his bike) and Issy's at school

Don't forget to check out the other girls answers too....
Alex - Bump To Baby
Jessica - Our Baby Blog
Lauren - Mrs Hippo & Me
Rachel - BeautyQueen UK


  1. Aww I love your answers but sorry to hear you're not feeling well :(

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper | An Undomestic Goddess

    1. Thank you :) Hopefully I'm at the end of it all now, fingers crossed no one has caught it from me x
