Monday 25 April 2016


There's nothing better than a bargain and eBay is heaven for a really good bargain.
BUT they really can be hit and miss, usually for the price it isn't a major loss,
since purchasing my Real technique brushes I've been washing them by using a H&M brush cleansing spray and rubbing them on a face towel, I knew this wasn't the best way to be cleaning them and if I wanted them to last I'd need to invest in something else.

While browsing eBay I came across the brushegg in a wide range of colours for 99p so I snapped it up, I'm one of those people that hates touching things with wet hands including my own hands so I never have braved washing my brushes under running water because the thought alone made me gag!
So the brush egg seemed perfect although my hands would get wet I felt a little more at ease with the brushegg on my fingertips.
When it arrived it was a little smaller than I imagined it to be but for 99p that wasn't an issue, I finally got round to using it months after purchasing it, I didn't get the magical brushes as good as new results I was expecting but I am new to using an egg for my brushes so I'm not completely writing it off just yet as there could be a nack to it that I just didn't have with my first use.
(do real tech brushes even return back to their beautiful white newness after use?)

It took quite some roughness to see any kind of results a lot of the product still seemed to be right at the top of my brushes even after quite a scrub but being new to it I didn't want to be to heavy handed and ruin my brushes, not only was the egg new but using water on my brushes was too.

(Before and After, After picture brushes are still damp)

Do you have a brushegg or something similar to wash your brushes?


  1. It sounds like a cool concept, it's a shame it didn't work as well as you'd hoped. For 99p, it was worth trialling! x

    Xtina G Says..

    1. I've seen a few but for much more than 99p, I'm going to give it another few goes before writing it off completely x
