Saturday, 6 July 2013

Things to do this summer...

Being England there is no guarantee that this weather will be staying with us for to long but here's just a few things I'd like to do this summer....

Go strawberry picking, i don't like strawberries and neither does Issy but Andy & Daisie do so they'll have plenty to eat when we are done :) for free entry and £4.OO per KG it's a pretty cheap day out as it's just up the road from us

Go to London zoo, I've never been before it's quite pricey once you add it all up and then there's train tickets but a little bit of saving and we'll be able to go :) I will NOT be going anywhere near the butterfly part

Go to a farm, I have two choices of really good farms although I've not been to one I've heard a lot of good things about it, one is free entry and you just pay for some of the rides being the hop farm, then there's Christmas tree farm where you pay  £2 for kids and £4 for adults and get to feed all the animals I took Issy there when she was younger

Go to a beach, Of course its free but our problem is as none of us drive we have to rely on trains and most beaches are an hour or two away on a train and some you have to get two trains and with a 2 year old a train ride that long can get pretty stressful

Few trips to soft plays, There's a new huge one that's just been built in our favourite place to go swimming and just beside it there's a bowling alley so two trips in one :)

Go to London aquarium, The sun isn't really essential for this as it's indoors but it's never fun to get on a train with a buggy loaded up with coats and brollies

Adventure Island, Great little theme park for kids with a beach just next door but in a car it's about an 3O minutes or so to get to by train it's 2 hours :/ I'll find a way there some how :)

Do plenty of swimming, Again the sun isn't essential for this one but it's so much better getting out the pool with wet hair and not being freezing or worrying about drying your hair before you head home

London dungeons, this one is of course more for me so the kids won't be attending this one as it seems pretty gruesome in places for a 5 and 2 year old to be going

Is there anywhere you fancy going this summer?
Any recommendations on places i should check out in and around London?


  1. We've got a few places in mind. I want to do plenty of walks in the woods and at the pond/nature reserve near my mum's house. I also want to do a few beach trips.
    Ones that cost money are the Sea life Centre and the Safari Park.
    Logan loves airplanes so I'm planning on taking the kids to the airport to see some planes taking off.
    I'd love to take the kids to a farm but I'm not sure if there's any near me that does that kind of thing. I don't know why I want to go because Keira's scared of almost everything that moves. Bugs being the only things she does like (but not anything that flies!). x x x
