Sunday 14 February 2016


 (please excuse the photo quality)

On one of my many random strolls around New Look looking at what I'd buy when I next have money, You know the ones I mean the ones where you wander around aimlessly with no where near enough money once bills are paid to even be considering spending money right now.
(and I wonder why the security guards follow me every time I enter my local primark)
The truth is I'm not only window shopping its the best place to get a wifi signal when I'm on my lunch! I'm stuck in the 90's of pay as you go and haven't topped up since December.

Anyway enough of my yabbering back to the point of this post, during one of my many strolls I came across New looks fragrance collection after a wiff of one I instantly fell in love and promised myself I'll go back and get myself the £7.99 bottle of heaven, but in true me fashion I never did go back and get it until this week I was in a different store and headed straight to the beauty section but again to tight to treat myself to the £7.99 bottle which I'm now regretting. I grabbed myself two bottles of their 10ml perfumes for £2.99 BARGAIN or what!
I grabbed them in the scent I fell in love with previously which was Pure Blush and a second scent I loved as soon as I smelt it Pure Dusk.
There was a set of all 4 scents they do for £9.99 but I had Andy with me and he doesn't get the whole 4 for £9.99 taking my total up by £4 and getting every scent they do but instead just getting the two I love and saving £4 which is no doubt going to leave me whinging about it until I go back again, He may well be right but wheres the fun in sensible thinking while shopping?

Each scent smells amazing, I've worn Pure Dusk since I purchased it and you'll often catch me sniffing myself, the staying power for £2.99 is unreal, I have more expensive perfumes I can barely smell once I've reached the school but the bottles are way to heavy to carry around in my handbag to top up through out the day which makes these 10ml bottles even more amazing as they fit perfectly in your handbag! I've not needed to top up while out yet but I always take it with me just in case.

The fragrance range is available in a number of different sizes all at very reasonable prices the most expensive being £12.99 for a 100ml bottle.
Next time I'm near a New Look I'm not even going to think about it, I'm going to grab a 50ml bottle of one of these scents for at home and will be keeping one of these ones as a permanent fixture to my handbag.

Have you tried any New Look fragrances?


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